Dear First Presbyterian Church Family,
It's hard to believe that I've been your pastor for over a year now, and during that time I’ve learned a great deal about this congregation. You are thoughtful, kind and curious. You are connected to the community through professional organizations, schools, social groups, and music and the arts. You serve in ways that make the world a better place. It's been a real privilege to be your pastor this last year and I'm looking forward to many more.
We are entering stewardship season, a time when we intentionally look at the ways we serve and how we manage God's resources. Last year, we came to you with a budget that was $200,000 over our estimated earnings. We asked you to give us time at current staffing levels to figure out ways to improve the budget. Three key elements came together to make this year a success.
In order to understand our future needs, our Elders, Deacons and Staff came together in February to begin a visioning process. We studied the demographics of our area, formed working groups to understand our unique gifts, and established a task force to capture with words who we are and how we should serve our community. Our new vision is the inspiration for our Fall Stewardship Campaign; to preach, teach, heal and serve. It is a vision that honors our past, acknowledges our present strengths, and also challenges us to a new future.
We hope that as you learn more about our new vision that it will resonate with you and that you will feel free to share with us your ideas for how we can best fulfill our goals.
It's hard to believe that I've been your pastor for over a year now, and during that time I’ve learned a great deal about this congregation. You are thoughtful, kind and curious. You are connected to the community through professional organizations, schools, social groups, and music and the arts. You serve in ways that make the world a better place. It's been a real privilege to be your pastor this last year and I'm looking forward to many more.
We are entering stewardship season, a time when we intentionally look at the ways we serve and how we manage God's resources. Last year, we came to you with a budget that was $200,000 over our estimated earnings. We asked you to give us time at current staffing levels to figure out ways to improve the budget. Three key elements came together to make this year a success.
- You responded by increasing your giving. Thank you!
- The Management and Finance Committee labored to apply for the Employee Retention Tax Credit restoring our income by nearly $80,000 for 2023.
- The staff painstakingly trimmed nearly $40,000 from the budget for 2024.
In order to understand our future needs, our Elders, Deacons and Staff came together in February to begin a visioning process. We studied the demographics of our area, formed working groups to understand our unique gifts, and established a task force to capture with words who we are and how we should serve our community. Our new vision is the inspiration for our Fall Stewardship Campaign; to preach, teach, heal and serve. It is a vision that honors our past, acknowledges our present strengths, and also challenges us to a new future.
We hope that as you learn more about our new vision that it will resonate with you and that you will feel free to share with us your ideas for how we can best fulfill our goals.