Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Sunday Mornings

New this year: Second Sundays

Sunday School will be on one Sunday each month, the Second Sunday, starting on October 8, 2023. We will begin at 8:45 a.m. with breakfast, followed by VBS-style programming with creative high-energy activities from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. when we transition to worship. We are keeping family units together and partnering them with other families to form groups that will meet all year long.
Keeping groups together helps to establish the trust and intimacy necessary to engage in deep conversations about what we believe, a key ingredient for building faith. This will work because:
• VBS – Our VBS experiences prove that children will beg for energetic high-quality programming.
• Confirmation – The Confirmation service last spring was evidence that forming deeper relationships promotes greater connection to God and the community.
• Wednesday Nights – Parents started connecting with one another on Wednesday nights because we offered a meal and self-directed activities that they could engage while they waited for their children. That’s how the Uke Group started.

To learn more about Second Sunday, read Pastor Sarah's full letter below.

Worship 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

We believe that having small children and infants in worship is like having children at the dinner table. They are here because they are part of the family, not because their manners are perfect. They learn how to worship by doing. So please, welcome the wiggle!

Activity bags for children are located at both entrances and if you feel a need to step out for a moment, try the gathering space or the nursery, both of which have a TV monitor of the worship service.

Children giggle, poke, swing their legs and talk at inappropriate moments simply because they are children. They also sing, pray and give with us as children of God. Over time, by being in worship, they learn that:
  • This is the place we gather with others to worship God
  • The sights and sounds of this place are good and nurturing, even when they don't understand them
  • They belong to this family and are welcome at the table
  • Something is expected of them in this place as they give their attention in song, prayer and offering.

You would be surprised at what children learn simply by osmosis. And, the payoff for the wiggling in worship in the early years is that children grow to know they belong here and will develop a faith of their own.

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